Deductive vs. Inductive Teaching
I've tried both inductive and deductive teaching, and I have to say that deductive has worked best. I try to give the students a problem in the warm-up that makes them use inductive reasoning to figure out, and then I reinforce it with deductive instruction. The students don't seem to understand the importance of what they are learning unless I put it on a transparency or on the dry erase board. The information matters more to them if I explain it to them and tell them they need to know it. Plus, they get frustrated with inductive teaching. The set-up is different from what they expect, which is for teachers to tell them, not to let them figure things out.
I will say that some of my shop students, who have used angles in shop class, have done a great job with the material in my class. Hands on, practical experience with the material helps.
By the way, if you're wondering why I'm not at school teaching right now it's because my school was damaged in a tornado. We probably won't have school for the rest of the week.